One problem at a time

  • Stress solving a single, clear problem initially.

  • Share examples of successful single-problem MVPs.

What ever target audience you choose to serve they likely have multiple problems. Don't try to solve all those problems at once. List them, prioritize and attack one problem at a time.

This way you simplify your task for yourself and you can build a better solution for the problem and find a win.

A good solution for a one small problem is better than bad solution for multiple problems.

Tackling one problem at a time is a crucial strategy for startup founders. Here's why this approach is effective and how to implement it:

Benefits of Focusing on One Problem

  1. Clarity of Purpose

    • Simplify your mission and messaging

    • Avoid diluting your efforts across multiple fronts

  2. Efficient Resource Allocation

    • Concentrate your limited time, money, and energy

    • Maximize impact on a single, important issue

  3. Faster Iteration and Learning

    • Gather focused feedback more quickly

    • Iterate and improve your solution more effectively

  4. Easier Marketing and User Acquisition

    • Craft a clear, compelling value proposition

    • Simplify your marketing message for better resonance

  5. Higher Quality Solutions

    • Develop deeper expertise in a specific area

    • Create more refined and effective solutions

How to Implement the One-Problem Approach

  1. Problem Identification

    • List all the problems your target audience faces

    • Conduct user research to understand pain points

  2. Prioritization

    • Rank problems based on urgency, impact, and feasibility

    • Consider which problem, if solved, creates the most value

  3. Problem Selection

    • Choose the highest priority problem that aligns with your capabilities

    • Ensure the selected problem has a viable market

  4. Solution Development

    • Focus all efforts on creating an excellent solution for this one problem

    • Resist the temptation to add features addressing other issues

  5. Iteration and Refinement

    • Gather user feedback specifically related to your chosen problem

    • Continuously improve your solution based on this feedback

  6. Expansion Planning

    • Only after achieving success with the first problem, consider expanding

    • Use insights gained to inform future problem selection


  • A focused, high-quality solution for one problem is more valuable than a mediocre solution for many.

  • Success in solving one problem builds credibility and trust, paving the way for future expansion.

  • Stay adaptable – if you discover a more pressing problem during your journey, be prepared to pivot.

By adhering to the "one problem at a time" approach, you simplify your startup's mission, increase your chances of creating a truly impactful solution, and set a strong foundation for future growth.

Last updated